Re: Additions to SVG 1.1 2nd Edition Conformance Tests


> It seems that the test expects this to result in a black line. Can
> anyone explain why  please? The # does not seem to be valid according
> to,
> so unless I'm reading it wrong the path is in error and should not be
> drawn resulting in a red line being shown.

If I'm reading the text below the BNF rules correctly:

“The processing of the BNF must consume as much of a given BNF 
production as possible, stopping at the point when a character is 
encountered which no longer satisfies the production.”,

then an error in the path data does not cease rendering of the path but 
instead tries to recover if possible and still render the path. So for 
the test case path data processing should stop when encountering the # 
sign but still draw everything that has been encountered until then.

Although the test case then wouldn't show an error condition if a 
renderer decides to skip the # and draw the horizontal line up to 90; 
perhaps that error would have best been inserted in the red line instead 
of the black.


Received on Sunday, 21 March 2010 12:58:53 UTC