Why embedded fonts when they are not used?

Hello all,

yesterday I tried something of which I thought would be the most logical 
thing to do.
I converted a ttf font to a svg font using batik ttf2svg.
Then I included those glyphs in my SVG file and wrote some text with it.

First I thought everything works well until I noticed that every 
application displaying the SVG
used the TTF font in the system instead of the embedded one.

I did some research on the web but I couldn´t find at least one example 
that really uses the embedded
font. All SVG on the web use system fonts or replace the font in the SVG 
by something else
if the font is not installed as ttf.

Now my question: What is the point of embedded font glyphs? Is there a 
way to force the SVG to use
the glyphs (apart from putting and positioning each glyph manually) ?

I don´t get the point if thats not possible because I could simply 
flatten the font of my desire to SVG shapes
and put them in my SVG. Which makes the existence of glyphs totally 
useless ?

Anyone who can push me in the right direction or can confirm that using 
the glyphs as font doesn´t work -
so I don´t need to trial and error any further ?

thank you


Received on Monday, 15 March 2010 08:26:37 UTC