Re: Some thoughts on css transforms in svg

On Thursday 2010-03-11 19:48 +0100, Erik Dahlstrom wrote:
> Here are some possible ways of adding support for css transforms in svg:
> 1. Treat it as any of the other CSS properties that SVG share with
> HTML/CSS (e.g 'display'), basically same as overriding the attribute
> Advantage(s): mostly consistent with the model (possibly with the
> exception of 'none')
> Notes: What 'transform: none' means in css2d transforms isn't
> clearly defined, for svg it would have to mean that the attribute is
> used, otherwise backwards compatibility is lost. Should there be an
> 'auto' initial value to deal with these cases?

Why would backwards-compatibility be lost in these cases?  I'd think
that even without changing 'none', things would be fine, since CSS
cascading says that any specified CSS overrides the SVG attribute,
but if there's no specified CSS, then the SVG attribute wins (just
like for other properties).


L. David Baron                       
Mozilla Corporation             

Received on Thursday, 11 March 2010 22:24:34 UTC