Re: SVG Fonts [...]

On 6/8/10 4:24 AM, Erik Dahlstrom wrote:
>> 1) Are incomplete.
> Sure, to the best of my knowledge there are no available products that
> support all of SVG 1.1 Fonts. The argument about incomplete
> implementations would probably be valid for many other specs/standards too.

Sure.  But in this case I don't know of anyone planning on a complete 
implementation, at least in the web browser space.

>> 3) Don't agree on some parts that more than one implements.
> I'd like to see some data to back that claim.

I'll try to find some time to generate this.  Don't hold your breath, 
though; this is a very low priority.


Received on Tuesday, 8 June 2010 12:47:28 UTC