Re: i18n tests for SVG

Hi, Richard-

Richard Ishida wrote (on 3/21/10 3:56 PM):
> The I18n WG has some tests, accessed from
>(see the SVG tests section), related to
> handling of text direction in SVG. Please ask your
> Working Group to consider whether these tests can be
> included in your test suites.

Thanks very much for these tests!  We always appreciate more or improved 
tests, especially when they are from domain experts.

As a high-level explanation of our test suite process, we review and 
evaluate each test, to make sure not only that the test is correct (and 
that it tests the right thing), but also that the spec itself clearly 
and precisely defines the feature being tested.  It's not uncommon that 
in creating a test, we find that we need to change the spec.  Obviously, 
this takes time and attention, and with the relatively small number of 
active participant in the SVG WG, and the large amount of work we have 
to do, we have to balance test creation and review with our other work.

We are poised to publish SVG 1.1 2nd Edition, which will include new 
tests directly related to errata we've integrated into the SVG 1.1 spec. 
  These tests don't fall into that category, so we probably won't put 
the majority of them into the SVG 1.1 SE test suite immediately, but we 
will integrate them into the SVG 1.1 test suite over time.  Ultimately, 
we will integrate all the tests that we review and agree upon, and will 
work with you if there are any we have questions on.

We are also moving forward on SVG 2.0, with the intent to have a much 
more comprehensive test suite, and will use your tests as part of the 
core for the internationalization and text tests, and will also use them 
to inform improvements to the spec text itself.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Received on Monday, 26 April 2010 15:22:13 UTC