Parameters in CSS?

Hey, SVG fans-

Just wanted to let you know that I presented the Params primer to the 
CSS WG, and there was a lot of support and interest in it.  They 
obviously have some comments, but there may be interest in using params 
in CSS as well.

One issue that was pointed out was that the URL syntax will have to 
change, because it's not actually doing the changes on the server, but 
clientside instead; this actually means that we wouldn't have the 
caching problem, which would be a benefit to the URL syntax.

In fact, we could conceivably have both syntaxes, actually... there's no 
reason a server couldn't serve SVG files pre-adapted based on the 
parameters, which might meet another use case where the server wants to 
control the parameters more closely, filtering possible parameter values.

I also plan to add some new, simple clip-art examples to the primer as 
well, just to show that it can be used with very simple graphics as well 
as more complex ones:

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs
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Received on Wednesday, 4 November 2009 23:10:30 UTC