Re: View Source

On 2009-03-16 Philip TAYLOR <P.Taylor@Rhul.Ac.Uk> wrote:

>No, I am certainly opposed : when I say "view source", that
>is exactly what I mean; if there were an option "view
>DOM serialisation", I could envisage uses for it, but
>the two are as different as chalk and cheese.

That was my initial reaction as well. After thinking about it 
some more, I don't really have strong feelings one way or the 
other. One way or another (browser extensions, scripting, etc.) 
it'll be easy to get the raw source so I don't see any harm, and 
agree there are potential benefits in making the cleaned-up 
serialization the default shown to authors.



Steve Axthelm

Received on Tuesday, 17 March 2009 06:48:09 UTC