[Params] 3.4 The 'param' Attribute Value


this comment is about:

It is noted 
attribute-name="param(string) [optional-string]"

If we have for example the attribute content

The value of this attribute is a string.

1. How to distinguish between a string looking like a parameter and
a parameter.

For example:

<metadata role="tooltip"
content="param('sample') is a possibility to change attribute values in a 
declarative way. Add a parameter with a value 'sample' to the URI to modify
a value of the related attribute." />

Doesn't it need some magical escapes to indicate whether 
param('string') [optional-string]
is a parameter or only a string fragment?

2. Is it ok to insert a parameter in the middle of a string?

<metadata role="tooltip" content="Hello param('name'), activate the animation 
with the blue button top left!" />

3. Backwards compatibility seems to be suboptimal in general, because
typically current viewers will/should not consider in 
"param('string') [optional-string]" the "[optional-string]" as a fallback
value for most attributes or properties, having currently no fallback syntax.
However, unfortunately currently I have no idea, how to improve this.


Received on Thursday, 18 June 2009 10:44:27 UTC