Re: Comments on CSS Transitions

2009/2/27 Cameron McCormack <>:
> Cameron McCormack:
>> The model used for specifying transitions, i.e. that the
>> transition-property, transition-duration, etc. properties each take a
>> sequence of values, seems to prevent an author from specifying
>> independent transitions.  For example, an author may want to specify:
> …
>> where the set of elements matched by .canmove and .canhide are
>> different.  If more than one element matches both selectors, however,
>> the properties from the .canhide rules will override the ones from
>> .canmove.
> Make that “If an element matches both selectors, however …”.
> --
> Cameron McCormack ≝

Transition is not the first property to have that problem
(font-family, background-image, binding, content...) and I recently
proposed the "cascade" keyword that inserts value from the cascade
process in the specified value.

and following.


Received on Friday, 27 February 2009 14:20:11 UTC