Re: font-size in percentage ambiguous?

Hi Ondrej Bojar,

> I'm confused by the specification of font-size expressed in percentages, and
> various viewers indeed render my documents differently.

Agreed. I've bumped into this issue in the past and mostly abandoned
percentage units due to these incoherent rendering behavior across

> The latest working draft for SVG Tiny seems to have noticed that [the removal of the percentage support]

Not being very familiar with the reasons which are actually behind the
removal, I'd risk saying that it was mostly due to this particular
specification being designed for simpler devices - some of which don't
yet hold a reasonably complete CSS 2.1 parser (potentially required to
fulfill the way percentage units work). It might also be due to the
previous conflict between SVG and CSS you've stated in you message,
although I didn't find a particular working group action (or set of
actions) which lead to changing this particular part of the
specification. (Anyone wants to contribute with an URI or
contextualize a bit?)

> Best regards,
>  Ondrej.

By reaching the end of the message I still didn't find a main purpose.
Could you clear you intention a bit? That is, did you intend to know
how are percentage units being addressed in future versions of the
specification? Did you intend to make a last call comment ("[1.2T-LC]"
expected in subject)? Towards which direction? Sorry if my reading of
the original was somehow naive but I did read it a few times - in
different dates too, to make sure I wasn't just too focused/tired
during the reading! ;-D


  Helder Magalhães


Received on Sunday, 28 September 2008 20:13:45 UTC