Re: [1.2T-LC] Inheritance of display-align (ISSUE-2168)

Doug Schepers wrote:
> Hi, Fantasai-
> As discussed during the telcon (thanks for joining in), while we are
> sympathetic to your argument, SVG can't change this because we reference
> XSL for the 'display-align' property.
> However, if CSS were to make a new property with a different name,
> inheritance model, and property values, SVG would like to align with you
> on that.  We look forward to working on that in the future with you.  I
> have raised this as ISSUE-2170 for SVG 2.0 Core:
> Please let us know if this satisfies your comment.

Given that you have implementations already, and given alignment with
XSL, this resolution works for me. Thanks.


Received on Friday, 31 October 2008 17:32:30 UTC