[1.2T-LC] Inheritance of display-align

Hello SVGWG,

Wrt http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGMobile12/text.html#DisplayAlignProperty

The CSS Working Group has been discussing a property that does exactly
what's described in the SVG draft here (and also has an 'auto' initial
value), but we would need the property to not inherit.

Also, we've heard feedback that "before" and "after" are easily confused
with "start" and "end". Not sure what to do about that.

The CSSWG hasn't discussed SVG's display-align yet (I only just noticed
its existence on my way home from TPAC), but I think it would be a good
idea for us to do a little coordination here.


Received on Tuesday, 28 October 2008 20:30:41 UTC