Re: [1.2T-LC] i18n comment 1: Explanation of ligatures (ISSUE-2102)

Hi, Richard-

Thanks very much for the suggested additions, that is most helpful.  I
have added them all, as requested, and marked the issue as closed, with
your disposition as satisfied.  Please let us know if this works for you.


Richard Ishida wrote (on 11/3/08 11:45 AM):
> Here are some suggestions for wording in 10.2:
> [1] Remove the parens from "(Note that for proper rendering of many
> languages, ligatures are required for certain character
> combinations.)" and tack on to the end "and are not optional
> typographic features.  For example, this is the case for most
> languages throughout South and South East Asia."
> [2] Add another bullet point, perhaps in 3rd position, that says
> something along the lines of
> [[ Context-sensitive glyph positioning - In many scripts, the precise
> positioning of the glyph for a given character (especially
> diacritics) will vary according to the visual context.  For example,
> Thai tone marks are rendered above the base consonant, but need to be
> moved upwards further if a vowel-sign also appears above the base
> consonant. The same character is used in memory, but the final
> location of the glyph is sensitive to context. ]]
> [3] Add another bullet just after the one above something like...
> [[ Complex positioning of character glyphs - In scripts, such as
> those used for Indian languages, a combining vowel character that
> appears after a base consonant in memory may be displayed to the left
> of the base consonant, or on two sides of the base consonant, ie. the
> left-most glyph in rendered text may not be the first character in a
> text element.  Indeed, such vowel characters may be rendered to the
> left of, or on more than one side of, a <em>cluster</em> of
> consonants that ends with the character they follow in memory.  On
> the other hand, a Hindi RA character at the beginning of a consonant
> cluster in memory may be displayed over a following vowel sign to the
> right of the following syllabic cluster.  The location in which
> glyphs are displayed, from left to right, in these scripts can differ
> significantly from the order of the characters in memory. ]]
> If you add some additional wording along the lines of the above, and
> given the changes already made,  I believe you will satisfy our
> comment.
> Thank you.
> RI

Received on Monday, 3 November 2008 17:48:49 UTC