Re: how to indicate symbols that metamorph?

Hi, Jonathan-

Jonathan Chetwynd wrote (on 7/25/08 4:09 AM):
> how to indicate symbols that metamorph?
> A question for members of the WG:
> 1.    html adopted underline and font colour to indicate links.
>     What simple and general method could be agreed for SVG to indicate a 
> symbol that metamorphs?
>     some symbols are static, others such as the weather change regularly.
>     how will the naive user differentiate?

Off the top of my head, I have a difficult time thinking of an adequate 
and unambiguous indicator that an image, or part of an image, is 
animated or is subject to periodic changes, and which would be suitable 
for all uses and contexts.  Many authors and users (myself included) 
would find that intrusive.

The use case you mention seems better handled on an as-needed basis for 
individual applications and sites, not as a universal mandate within the 
specification.  If concrete use cases emerge, then it would be time to 
consider this for standardization.

As far as your own application, you could supply an explanation on your 
site for your users.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, WebApps, SVG, and CDF

Received on Saturday, 26 July 2008 14:11:17 UTC