RE: Reference image of animate-elem-40-t


I was referring to #markergroup and indeed, and if you consider that the
PNG refers to the images after the last animation, then you are right:
the PNG is correct. Sorry for the noise of my previous email.

In a general manner, I must admit that many of the test of the test in
the test suite using animation would benefit of having PNG references
for different animation times. As it is often not easy to exactly
understand what should be displayed in the player :-) and one can easily
overlook problems when testing document. 

The animation of the #markergroup in animate-elem-40-t is actually a
very good example of small details that can be easily overlooked. And
the fact that its an animation of a use that will itself be referenced
by another use, makes it a complicate case to test.

Best regards

> I think, typically it is assumed, that the PNG shows in most 
> cases the final display.
> And if you are talking about #markergroup this has some set 
> animations for fill without freeze but with a dur of 0.2s. 
> Therefore the animations are finished at 4.2s and the final 
> state is the intial state rgb(230,230,230) and this is what I 
> see in the reference image too.
> Within the animation from 0-0.2s, 1-1.2s, 2-2.2s, 3-3.2s, 
> 4-4.2s this is filled according to the set animations with  
> rgb(255,180,0).
> Therefore the boxes are always filled, within the animations 
> only with something orange, not gray.

Received on Monday, 7 July 2008 12:40:55 UTC