Duration of an SVG file


How do you compute the "duration" of an SVG file ?

When using SVG 1.2 Tiny, it is possible to include an animated SVG from
another SVG file using the <animation> tag. Moreover it is possible to
use the following syntax for the timing 
<animation dur="media" repeatCount="2" ... />

In this case the player needs to know the duration of the included SVG
file to be able to execute the loop.

Is the duration of an SVG file always "indefinite" ? 

Does it need to be computed by the player ? 
How ? 

Can it be explicitly specified ( something like <svg dur="10s">
...</svg> )?

Any ideas on this subject is welcome,



Julien Reichel, PhD
Technology Architect, SpinetiX S.A.
PSE-C, CH-1015, Lausanne, Switzerland

Tel:     +41 (0) 21 693 89 81
Mail:   julien.reichel@spinetix.com
Get Information : http://www.spinetix.com

Received on Thursday, 3 July 2008 12:36:43 UTC