Re: [1.2T-LC] 16.2.9 by 'identity' (ISSUE-2093, ACTION-2319)

Hi Dr. Olaf,

Thanks for all your work in clearing up issues about SMIL animation. It is
very useful.

I have a quick question about the following statement:

Dr. Olaf Hoffmann wrote (on 18 Oct 2008 18:49):
> If it is believed, that there are more doubts about this issue, one may
> add samples:
> "For example the neutral element for addition for the color domain
> is black, rgb(0%,0%,0%) or #000; the neutral element for the transform
> types translate or scale is 0,0; the neutral element for the transform
> type rotate is 0,0,0."

Is the neutral element for scale 0,0? I thought it would be 1,1 based on the
identity matrix.

I want to clarify this behaviour because I have noticed that a number of
implementations use 0,0 and this seems incorrect to me.


Brian Birtles

Received on Thursday, 11 December 2008 03:06:09 UTC