More Problems with the SVGT 1.2 test set

This test is invalid because it uses a nested svg element.
See spec 5.1.1: An SVG document fragment can only contain one single
element, this means that 'svg' elements cannot appear in the middle of
SVG content

media-video-217-t : 
The red squares are not synchronized because they catch the beginEvent
and endEvent from the animations via event bubbling. The test should be
rewritten with animations not as children of the video elements. Or W3C
should clarify bubbling rules for time events because they have
"bubbling phase=yes" in 13.2.



Julien Reichel, PhD
Technology Architect, SpinetiX S.A.
PSE-C, CH-1015, Lausanne, Switzerland

Tel:     +41 (0) 21 693 89 81
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Received on Monday, 25 August 2008 08:21:49 UTC