Re: Can symbol contain width and height attributes?

I think firefox and batik use width and height in 'symbol' as default
value for width and height in 'use', so it makes some sense. Also
documentation about referencing 'symbol' with 'use' is a bit unclear.
It says 'symbol' is deep cloned into generated tree, with exception
that 'symbol' is replaced with 'svg'. It might give an impression than
'symbol' attributes are cloned as well.

Anyway DTD says 'symbol' shouldn't have width and height attributes,
so I will report bugs to batik and firefox.

On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 11:56 AM, Dr. Olaf Hoffmann
<> wrote:
> Hi too,
> symbol can have a viewBox,
> the use can have width and height
> in the full versions.
> Both together determine, how a symbol
> appears, if referenced with a use element.
> See DTD:
> Because symbol is never rendered directly
> there is obviously no need for width and height, they have
> simply no meaning for something not directly appearing
> anywhere rendered somehow ;o)
> If you find, that the width and height accidently set on
> symbol have an effect on rendering somehow except an
> appearence of a warning message or something
> in a specific user agent, I think, you can report this
> as a bug to the developers of this user agent.
> The same applies, if symbol is directly rendered.

Received on Wednesday, 13 August 2008 12:46:03 UTC