Re: 3rd Call: HowTo make a 100% sheet with a hole in it that reveals a link

> Olaf,
> unfortunately your example donut01.svg fails because the shape
> distorts as the window resizes.
> regards
> Jonathan Chetwynd
> Accessibility Consultant on Media Literacy and the Internet


this was intended, but as already mentioned,
even in the tiny profile it is no practical or
theoretical problem to manage this in another way.

The attached file is another example with
holes, one of them a 'circle' (approximation). 
This time, each colored area is used to begin 
a declarative animation with a click or activate
event, changing the viewBox just to check,
that there is no distortion and that all of them
can receive events (works for example in 
Opera or the adobe plugin, because their
animation interpretation is sufficient for this
tiny profile example).

If you are asking for 'simple' SVG, using only
the tiny profile already many elements and
possibilities of advanced complexity are
excluded. And the accessibility is increased
too, because the probability for a correct
display in a viewer is increased using only
tiny and not the full profile. Of course,
without a viewBox and with positioning with 
percentage (with a larger probability of errors, 
wrong interpretation and unsupported conditions)
you will have to face very fast 'strange situations'.
If you are always starting with features
inducing sophisticated transformation from
the viewer as positioning and sizes in percentage,
it is no surprise, that the result is a little bit
harder to understand.  And in some of your
examples I cannot see, that this is really usable
for different users in a similar way, having 
different viewports with different sizes and 
aspect ratios.

Using coordinates from the user coordinate system
may simplify this already. 
Often SVG tiny will be sufficient to get something
useful. For more advanced applications you may
need features from the full profile as elements with
its own viewBox like symbol or another svg. 
Or you may need clipping, masking, filter. 
Not sure, if you will really need  coordinates in 
percentages for any application. 
But then it should be no surprise,
that this advanced features need advanced 
knowledge how to use them, this is what you
pay to have them as very powerful tools.

The specification is not a tutorial. An author
of a tutorial will start with 'basic features' from
the tiny profile too, to get a soon feeling of success
for the readers. And if the reader got familiar 
with this, the basics are given to learn something
more complex. 
A specification has to cover all details to get a
well defined behaviour for viewers, but often authors
do not have to know all details, therefore you cannot
derive from the specification, how complex or simple
it is, to create a document. 
This depends on the excellence of tutorials too.

Maybe there is a need in the SVG community for
authors of excellent tutorials, guiding any kind of
users to a point, they are able to create their
graphics, with a text editor or a graphical 
interface or with scripts, whatever they like.

About creating paths - well I did not used Inkscape
to create a path (without potrace) before, but 
I managed to create a path with a hole in it within a 
minute, just playing around ;o)

Best wishes...

Received on Sunday, 9 September 2007 13:37:40 UTC