SVG 1.2 Tiny Test Suite

Hi, SVG Community-

The SVG Working Group is pleased to announce the beta version of the SVG 
1.2 Tiny Test Suite and the corresponding interim Implementation report. 
  Both are available from the Test Suite Overview page [1], which is 
linked from the SVG home page [2].  This represents a great deal of work 
from the SVG WG over the last year and a half, and will be essential to 
multiple interoperable implementations, and is a necessary step for SVG 
1.2 Tiny to move toward Recommendation status.  This paves the way for 
more rapid future progress.

The test suite, at this point, contains 408 certified tests, and another 
hundred or so that we are still reviewing and approving.  Additionally, 
we will continue to create new tests.  We are also putting into place a 
way for the public (especially other implementors) to submit test cases, 
which we will approve and integrate as applicable (more about this soon).

The interim implementation report will be updated as an official report 
after the finished version of the test suite is published (though the 
test suite is anticipated to be an ongoing work).  Already, there is a 
lot of green for each feature.

I would like to personally thank each member of the SVG Working Group 
for their hard work in delivering this test suite, and to the vendors 
for implementing the features and working together to move SVG forward.

As usual, any bugs can be reported via our public issue tracker [3], or 
sent to this list.  Thanks for any feedback!


-Doug Schepers
W3C Staff Contact, SVG, CDF, and WebAPI

Received on Saturday, 8 September 2007 08:00:22 UTC