Re: mail clients


I obviously can't speak for Apple as the product isn't available.

regarding thunderbird and Opera, neither displays svg attachments  

I have filed bugs here:
Apple bug #4912172

and would appreciate comments

bug report:

Opera/Thunderbird/Safari supports SVG natively
could svg code and attachments display inline?

this could be a considerable enhancement for everyone.
But particularly for people with low literacy who prefer  
illustrations or
symbols with their text.

web examples include and

there have been attempts to develop specialist email clients for  
symbol users
in the past.


Jonathan Chetwynd

On 5 Jan 2007, at 18:47, Antoine Quint wrote:

On 5 janv. 2007, at 19:42, Jonathan Chetwynd wrote:

> Are there any mail clients that natively supports SVG?
> on OS X?

An unproven guess is that Thunderbird would qualify as it's based on  
Gecko, same for Opera's email client. And with my fingers crossed,  
I'll say that Mac OS X 10.5's built-in email client will too, if  
Apple does turn on their SVG code in WebCore by then.

Blog —

Received on Saturday, 6 January 2007 10:03:27 UTC