Re: SVG in a HTML:table

On Tue, 02 Jan 2007 23:04:17 +0100, Jeff Schiller <>  
> Since I'm not sure where this belong (SVG, CSS, CDF), I'll just copy
> both mailing lists.

Seems more a www-style issue to me.

> [...]
> In the above XHTML file, both Opera and Firefox size the width of the
> column containing the SVG to the maximum needed to display the HTML
> (if the HTML text wraps, then the SVG is appropriately resized).

That's probably because width:100% doesn't compute to auto, like  
height:100% does.

> Any idea how I would accomplish the same thing in the "height" case?
> I want the SVG's height to be sized according to the tallest cell in
> the table (not a static 150px).

I'm don't know if there's a value that says "give me the computed height  
of my parent" or something in that direction.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Tuesday, 2 January 2007 22:11:30 UTC