Re: SVG Test Suite

Hi Chris,
            thanks for the reply and yes it helped me to quite some extent.

>>I guess you are looking with the "tiny" harness. Use the "full" one
>>instead which has much larger images. There is a link from tiny to full.

OK that helps, but the full size images are too large for me and the basic
ones are too small. The display that I have supports only 640x480 sized
resolution and the full sized image does not fit alongside a SVG rendering
of same size with the given resolution. If I reduce the size of the 'full'
sized images using say any image manipulation program then not only it is
going to be tedious (as there are close to 300 images) but also the final
output might look little different from the SVG output. Any ideas on this?

Another related problem that I have with respect to the above is that since
there are different number of tests of each kind (292 tests for basic, 313
for full, and 185 for tiny) and the tests that I want to do are for a tiny
implementation, wouldn't running 'full' content be misleading as some of the
tests with full might give incorrect output with a SVG tiny implementation?

>>Just to clear things up, its not a *conformance* testsuite.
>>In other words, if an implementation passes 100% of the tests, that
>>does not get it any certification of an kind and it might fail other

OK, but is there any compliance / conformance suite available for W3C SVG
specs? Can you also point me to some SVG viewer which is W3C SVG
1.2compliant and is free and /or easy to buid?

Thanks a ton,

On 2/5/07, Chris Lilley <> wrote:
> On Monday, February 5, 2007, 6:48:41 PM, Divick wrote:
> DK> Hi,
> DK>     I am trying to use SVG Test Suite for svg conformance, but there
> is no
> DK> documentation in the test suite for instructions on how to use the
> test
> DK> suite. I see two directories with html pages using <embed> and
> <object> tags
> DK> for inserting svg reference the the pages alongside a png image.
> DK> From what I understand one can manually compare the output of the SVG
> DK> rendering with the png image as a test of correct rendering,
> Yes - while also reading the text underneath to see what to do for
> each test.
> DK>  but the png
> DK> image is so small that it is almost impossible to compare the rendered
> DK> document with the png image.
> I guess you are looking with the "tiny" harness. Use the "full" one
> instead which has much larger images. There is a link from tiny to full.
> DK>  Please correct me if there is something wrong
> DK> with my understanding of the Test suite and /or with the above
> statement.
> DK> Can someone guide me on how to use to the test suite for conformance
> tests ?
> Just to clear things up, its not a *conformance* testsuite.
> In other words, if an implementation passes 100% of the tests, that
> does not get it any certification of an kind and it might fail other
> tests.
> However, its very useful to compare different implementations, or
> different builds of a single implementation.
> To use it, if you have an html browser that either natively or via a
> plugin has SVG support: start with
> if you are running it online, or full-index.html if you are running it
> locally.
> Click any of the links to go to that test.
> You can start at any test and click on the links i the test harness to
> go to the next, or previous, tests.
> --
> Chris Lilley          
> Interaction Domain Leader
> Co-Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
> W3C Graphics Activity Lead
> Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Tuesday, 13 February 2007 06:30:25 UTC