problems with beginElement() in java

hi all
I'm using an animation, defined in the svg,  set to indefinite

 <animateTransform id="anim"   begin="indefinite"   dur="6s"
repeatCount="indefinite"       attributeName="transform"
     attributeType="XML" type="rotate"
	from="0 360 170" to="-90"	restart="always"/>

It works (with begin="0s" ) but I cannot trigger begin and end.

I want it to start when a certain event occurs, using java
this is the code in the event listener:

  Element elt = document.getElementById("anim");
  boolean res=((SVGAnimationElement)elt).beginElement();

even though res is true, the animation doesn't begin.
this seems the same bug reported in:

What can I do?

Received on Thursday, 20 December 2007 03:39:58 UTC