RE: SVG12: "Animation event names"

Hi, Björn-

Thanks for your reply. I'm responding to only one particular point, below.

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
| The specification for this feature is also different in SVG 1.1 and
| SVG Tiny 1.2, e.g. the 'repeatEvent' event has the animation event
| name 'repeatEvent' per the interact chapter in SVG 1.1, while the
| name is 'repeat' per the interact chapter in SVG Tiny 1.2.

Thanks for catching this. This seems to have been a typo. As you note, it
was called "repeatEvent" in SVG 1.1 (as well as the SMIL Spec), so I have
changed it back to the proper value, "repeatEvent". This should remove the
inconsistency that concerned you.

If this does not satisfy your concern, please respond within 2 weeks with
further clarification.

Doug, on behalf of the SVG WG

Received on Thursday, 18 May 2006 14:54:45 UTC