Re: SVGT 1.2: "shadow content"

Hi Maciej,
"shadow content" is the shadow tree created by the use element (as
described in the 'use' element description). Animation doesn't create a
shadow tree at all. The fact that it was listed in 13.8 was a mistake
and has been changed. Thanks for finding it!
Please let us know within two weeks if this mail doesn't address your
/ola (for the SVG WG)
From: Maciej Stachowiak <
E> > 
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2005 21:38:39 -0700
Message-Id: <> 
Section 13.8 says the following:
"Various elements in SVG create shadow content which can be the  
target of user interface events. The following is a list of elements  
that can create shadow content which can
be the target of user interface events:
*     The use element
*     The animation element
For these situations, user interface events within the shadow content  
shall participate in the processing of user interface events in the  
same manner as if the shadow content were part of the main document.  
In other words, if shadow content contains a graphics element that  
renders above other content at the current pointer location, then it
represents the topmost graphics element and will receive the pointer  
events before other elements. In this case, the user interface events  
bubble up through the target's ancestors, and then across the  
document border into the referencing element, and then through the  
ancestors of the referencing element. This process continues as  
necessary if there are multiple levels of nested shadow trees."
What does "shadow content" mean in this context? The 'use' element is  
specified to create a shadow tree of SVGElementInstance objects, but  
the description of the 'animation' element does not say anything like  
that. Is this section meant to imply that 'animation' creates a  
similar shadow tree? If not, then the spec should be more clear about  


Received on Wednesday, 10 May 2006 09:46:41 UTC