Re: SVG12: animation of <color> and <paint>

Hello www-svg,

Bjoern Hoehrmann <>  wrote:

> Dear Scalable Vector Graphics Working Group,
> section
> 16.2.16 is unclear about various aspects of animation color and paint
> properties. The draft notes
>   If a given attribute or property can take values of keywords
>   (which are not additive) or numeric values (which are additive),
> It is not clear to me whether this is meant to say that keywords are not
> additive but numeric values are or whether it is meant to refer to non-
> additive keywords only.

The latter was the intended meaning.

>  Clearly, "red" is a color keyword,

We agree that this is quite clear.

> and RGB color
> values are additive, so in case of the former, the note is not correct.
> Please change the note such that it is clear what it means.
> Further, the tables notes that "Only RGB color values are additive."

That note is the part that was intended to clarify ;) and it seems you
got the sense of it already. As you said, its clear that "red" resolves
to an RGB value while "none" or "url(#foo)" does not.

>  It
> is however not clear what "RGB color values" are;

Colors where getTrait would return an RGB value.

>  it seems that <color>
> and <paint> always refer to a "RGB color value" except for references to
> gradient paint servers.

Again, quite correct.

> Or, considering the use of "RGB value" in 4.1,
> it might mean that "red" is not a "RGB color value".

No, as you deduced above, it is indeed an RGB color value.

>  Please change the
> draft such that it is clear which <paint> and <color> values are meant
> to be additive.

We are heartened to note that you got it almost correct in your
analysis, and tus feel its fairly close. How about:

  If a given attribute or property can take values of non-additive keywords
  (which do not resolve to an RGB color) or additive values (keywords
  which do resolve to an RGB color, and numeric values),

Please let us know shortly if that does not address your concern.

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Tuesday, 7 March 2006 20:03:16 UTC