RE: SVG12: editable vs scripting

Hi, Björn-

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
| * Scott Hayman wrote:
| >> Yes, that's does not make it very clear to how and which kind 
| >> of "higher level widgets" this enables, can we have examples 
| >> for that in the draft, please?
| >
| >This is something that we will consider adding to the spec
| >once we've entered the Candidate Recommendation phase.
| I think additional examples are vital to fully understand and review
| this part of the proposed feature, "the Candidate Recommendation phase" 
| is obviously too late to provide much needed clarification, 
| so this does not address my concern.

Example textArea02 [1] shows a simple text input.  By detecting DOM 3 text
events on this widget, one can find when it is changed and get the new
value.  We took pains to ensure that even a blank "text input" could be
activated declaratively.  By making a larger SVG textArea with room for
multiple lines, this could also serve a similar purpose to an HTML textarea.
The addition of a dropdown menu to the current example would make a combo
box.  So, really, this example covers the gamut of use case I would
anticipate for a text widget.  If you don't agree, please let us know right
away what examples you think are lacking.

In SVG Full 1.2, there may be more options and APIs associated with the
textArea element and the editable attribute (such as editable='rich') to
allow even better higher-level widgets.

(Please note that I just corrected a mistake in this example: I changed
"skyblue" to its equivalent hex value, since that is not a conforming color
keyword in Tiny 1.2.  This will be reflected in the next draft.)

Doug, on behalf of the SVG WG

Received on Sunday, 23 July 2006 18:04:37 UTC