Re: SVG12: uDOM vs DOMImplementation

Dear Björn,

> Well, I have to object to simply add the interface as this  
> introduces a
> broad range of issues with respect to how the hasFeature method should
> work for non-SVG specific features; I don't see for which DOM-level
> features the method would return true, if any, for example.

After careful consideration, given that hasFeature is not broadly  
used and that introducing it requires further specification work that  
may cause compatibility problems with the DOM, the WG has decided to  
pull that feature and any mention of it from SVG Tiny 1.2.

Thank you for your careful review, please let us know shortly if this  
does not address your concern.

Robin Berjon
    Senior Research Scientist

Received on Thursday, 6 July 2006 13:58:28 UTC