[SVG1.1] Question about switch and ID

I know everyone's focused on SVGT1.2 at the moment, but I have a SVG
1.1 question.

I had the following code:

<g id="screen" display="none">
        <rect requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Filter"
            id="shadow" x="10" y="10" width="322" height="502" opacity="0.6"
            fill="black" stroke="none" filter="url(#gblurshadow)" />
        <rect id="shadow" x="10" y="10" width="322" height="502" opacity="0.6"
            fill="black" stroke="none" />

But I get a validation error saying the id="shadow" was already
defined and it needs to be unique.

1) Is this a correct validation error?  Should <switch> allow its
children elements to have identical IDs (and I assume only one of the
two options gets put into the DOM)?

3) How do I attach an event listener to the rendered shadow element? 
Should I be putting the id on the <switch> element and attaching event
listeners to it?  Would events be forwarded to the properly rendered

4) Can I determine (through script) which one has been rendered?

If I'm totally confused, how would I accomplish the above?


Received on Wednesday, 22 February 2006 15:55:52 UTC