RE: [SVGMobile12] Question on handling of <script> with xlink:href and child nodes

Hi, Anne -

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
| Quoting Doug Schepers <>:
| > | It can't be in error, there might be XML based script languages.
| >
| > Good catch, Jim. Does wording need to be put in the spec to 
| cover this
| > eventuality?
| Given E4X, I'd think so.

I'm not sure if that's relevant. E4X is not XML, and it's not parsed. It's
really just text, and in fact needs to be escaped in a CDATA section if part
of an SVG document. Currently, I don't think that XML child nodes are
allowed in a script element, either in the text or in the schema. 

A related question is whether metadata elements such as <title> and <desc>
should be allowed as child elements. If so, what context would they be
parsed in, SVG or the script language? I think this issue opens up a can of
worms that might need deeper thought, and may be more appropriate for SVG

Doug ...for scalable solutions.

Received on Thursday, 16 February 2006 11:24:19 UTC