[SVGMobile12] Error in example

Dear List,
Andrew Emmons wrote:
< I think the example in 
<question  is  http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGMobile12/examples/activate.svg
<http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGMobile12/examples/activate.svg> . 

Yes, I posted the wrong link, thanks for correcting.
While technically correct this example (and the following one):
<svg id="root" viewBox="0 0 100 100" version="1.2" baseProfile="tiny">

<line x1="0" x2="100" y1="0" y2="100"/>

<rect id="r" transform="ref(svg)"

x="45" y="45" width="10" height="10"/>


work better, if you set values for style, e.g.:

<svg id="root" viewBox="0 0 100 100" version="1.2" baseProfile="tiny">

<line x1="0" x2="100" y1="0" y2="100"

<rect id="r" transform="ref(svg)"

x="45" y="45" width="10" height="10"/>


Andreas Reimer

Received on Friday, 10 February 2006 09:21:59 UTC