Re: should element with focus be within client window?

On 8/25/06 4:18 PM, Doug Schepers wrote:
> T Rowley wrote:
> | Mozilla SVG does have all the backend support for zoom and pan (the 
> | attribute, the DOM apis, and the adjustment of the transformations), 
> | there's just no UI to trigger zoom and pan.  Discussion with other 
> | mozilla principals indicated they were opposed to ASV-style 
> | controls for SVG, and that page zoom as will be implemented in FF3 
> | is the direction that should be taken. 
> Of course, you should do whatever you think is most compatible with your UI
> in general, but as an author (not as a member of the SVG WG), I personally
> disagree with this decision regarding SVG-specific zooming/panning on 3
> grounds:
> 1) it will not match the behavior of Opera or ASV (dunno about Safari); 
> 2) it is inconsistent with how rasters are treated;
> 3) for mapping applications and other uses, it would be very nice to have
> native zoom/pan/rotate.

I don't think #2 is correct - omitting the pan/zoom UI makes SVG 
behavior consistent with rasters, not the opposite.  Consider the case 
where a page has a mix of raster and SVG images.  Why would the user 
suspect that on non-visually differentiated subset of those images that 
they can use keyboard shortcuts and/or a context menu to zoom in?

Received on Friday, 25 August 2006 21:47:28 UTC