SVG Tiny 1.2 - error in 12.3.1 description of untransformable video element ?


Regarding the SVG Tiny 1.2 specification proposal:

It seems the descriptions in 12.3.1 explaining the placement of an untransformable video element is inconsistent with the results rendered in Example: media04.svg 

(If the x and y specify the center pin point, then the video would be offset by half it's width and height towards the upper-left of the screen) Specifically the sections below discuss this:

12.3.1 Restricting the transformation of the 'video' element

For the four next values, the following applies: 

The media shall be treated as a point, defined by x and y attributes. This point must be transformed to the nearest actual device pixel. Video at the native resolution given by the media shall then painted on a region whose center is the pin point and whose width and height are defined by the media. 

The video must be displayed with its center aligned with the origin of the local coordinate system. 

- Sean

Received on Tuesday, 22 August 2006 18:59:55 UTC