Re: SVG12: gotoLocation "URLs"

On Monday, July 4, 2005, 4:25:35 AM, Bjoern wrote:

BH> Dear Scalable Vector Graphics Working Group,

BH> appendix A.7.19 states that gotoLocation takes a URL. This seems
BH> a bit odd, it's not clear what the effect of gotoLocation("Björn")
BH> or gotoLocation("#svgView(...)") might be as those aren't URLs,
BH> please change the draft such that this is clarified.

URL is clearly incorrect, and it should say that it takes an IRI, for
consistency. This would thus include fragment identifiers and non-ascii
characters as in the two examples you note.

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Wednesday, 7 September 2005 22:37:57 UTC