Re: SVG12: gotoLocation behavior

Hi Björn,

Thanks for your comment. The current gotoLocation wording is:

Request that the user agent traverse a link to the given IRI <file:///d:\w3c\WWW\Graphics\SVG\Group\repository\spec\mobile\1.2\1.2NG\master\types.html#DataTypeIRI> . If the IRI <file:///d:\w3c\WWW\Graphics\SVG\Group\repository\spec\mobile\1.2\1.2NG\master\types.html#DataTypeIRI>  is invalid or unresolvable, the current document remains loaded. "" means that no link traversal is specified. (See the attribute definition for xlink:href <file:///d:\w3c\WWW\Graphics\SVG\Group\repository\spec\mobile\1.2\1.2NG\master\linking.html#AElementXLinkHrefAttribute> ).


Xlink:href attribute definition is:

xlink:href = "<iri> <file:///d:\w3c\WWW\Graphics\SVG\Group\repository\spec\mobile\1.2\1.2NG\master\linking.html#IRIReference> "

The location of the referenced object, expressed as a IRI reference <file:///d:\w3c\WWW\Graphics\SVG\Group\repository\spec\mobile\1.2\1.2NG\master\linking.html#IRIReference> . Refer to the "XML Linking Language (XLink)" [XLink <> ].
An empty attribute value (xlink:href="") means that no link traversal occurs upon activation of the 'a' <file:///d:\w3c\WWW\Graphics\SVG\Group\repository\spec\mobile\1.2\1.2NG\master\linking.html#AElement>  element. If the attribute is not specified, the effect is as if an empty value ("") was specified.


Please reply to this mail within two weeks if the change does not address your concerns.


/svg WG





From: Bjoern Hoehrmann < <> > 
Date: Mon, 04 Jul 2005 04:25:18 +0200
To: <>  
Message-ID: <> 
Dear Scalable Vector Graphics Working Group,
appendix A.7.19 fails to define how gotoLocation navigates, please
change the draft such that the navigation target, the base IRI,
and the effect for navigating to "" is clearly defined.
Björn Höhrmann · · <> 
Weinh. Str. 22 · Telefon: +49(0)621/4309674 · <> 
68309 Mannheim · PGP Pub. KeyID: 0xA4357E78 · <>  


Received on Wednesday, 5 October 2005 09:08:06 UTC