Re: [SVGMobile12] focus related methods in SVGSVGElement Interface

On Thu, 19 May 2005 18:12:29 +0900, KONO Masahiko wrote:

> 13.9.3 Obtaining and listening to focus programmatically
> SVGSVGElement interface has focus related methods(moveFocus(), 
> setFocus()).
> What happens when a SVG document has nested <svg> element?
> I think a focus is only one in document, not <svg> fragment.  I think
> Document Interface should have focus related methods.

We put them on SVGSVGElement and not SVGDocument (or Document) because 
there might not be an SVGDocument.  This can happen when we are in a 
multi-namespace XML application, and SVG is just one component of it, 
such as in CDF scenarios - here, the root element of the XML document 
isn't the svg element, and there is no SVGDocument.

Thank you for your feedback. Please let us know if this does not address 
your concerns.

Received on Tuesday, 22 November 2005 20:10:47 UTC