Re: [SVGT 1.2] Question on sizing of the outermost <svg>

Hello www-svg,

Boris wrote:

> Does this actually say that <svg:svg> should be treated as a replaced
> element in a CSS context? If not, please say that? That will allow
> various things like the aspect ratio stuff being proposed for CSS
> replaced elements to work with SVG, which would be great.

We agree, its to be treated as a replaced element.

> Other than that, sounds fantastic.  Thank you very much.

We added your suggested text, so the paragraph now reads:

    <p>Under these conditions, the 'svg' element should be treated as a
    replaced element in a CSS context, so the positioning properties
    establish the viewport's width.</p>

Is there any particular reason for the should, rather than a must?

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Tuesday, 15 November 2005 00:18:24 UTC