Re: [SVGMobile12] Conflicting requirements: version="1.2"

Hello Ian,

> According to section 1.3, there is a strict requirement that the value of
> the root-most <svg> element's "version" attribute have the value "1.2". It 
> is not clear if this requirement is a requirement on authors or UAs, nor 
> is it clear what the requirements are on non-root-most <svg> elements.

It is a requirement on content, as can be see from the section title
"Defining an SVG Tiny 1.2 document". SVG Tiny 1.2 cannot have a
non-rootmost svg element. It is stated that way to allow easier
extension in 1.2 Full.

> According to section 5.1.2, however, the requirement that the attribute 
> have the value "1.2" is not a strict requirement, but merely a strong 
> recommendation.
> The conflict between these two conformance requirements should be 
> resolved.

We agree, and 1.3 now says:

  The value of the version attribute on the root-most svg element should
  be "1.2". See discussion of Version Control.

which links to the discussion of version in the Implementation
requirements section, to explain what viewers must do with content that
does not have a version attribute.

Please let us know shortly if this response does not address your

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Friday, 11 November 2005 18:40:38 UTC