Re: SVG12: "event attributes"

Hi Bjoern,

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

>Dear Scalable Vector Graphics Working Group,
>  From
>section 5.6
>  If event attributes are assigned to referenced elements, then the
>  actual target for the event will be the SVGElementInstance object
>  within the "instance tree" corresponding to the given referenced
>  element.
>Please change the draft such that it does not suggest the existance
>of "event attributes".
Yes, sorry about this small editorial mistake.

I have reworded the paragraph.

If an event listener is registered on a referenced element,  then the 
actual target for the event will be the SVGElementInstance object within 
the "instance tree" corresponding to the given referenced element.

Craig Northway

Received on Tuesday, 24 May 2005 03:08:49 UTC