Re: SVG12: shorthand presentation attributes

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
> e.g. by adding that shorthand properties are con-
> ceptually inserted after their longhands into the author style sheet.

I'm not sure that's a distinction that can be uniformly drawn, actually.... 
certainly not within CSS.  Consider, as a basic example, the border, 
border-style, and border-color shorthands, which expand to overlapping sets of 

Also consider that some things which are currently longhands in CSS2/2.1 are 
effectively shorthands in CSS3 (they expand to a set of finer-grained properties).

So I'm not sure that there is anything useful that can be said here other than 
it being implementation-dependent... (and not necessarily consistent within a 
given implementation).


Received on Thursday, 31 March 2005 04:14:44 UTC