Re: SVG Wiki status: suggest suspend links

Doug Schepers wrote:
 > Hi, Andrew-
 > I've spoken with the current maintainer of the wiki, and we believe that
 > the original content is still available. He and I are on the task of
 > restoring it to its original state and migrating it to a more secure 
 > If you have any advice on that score, feel free to contact me offlist.

Excellent, the Wiki is a very valuable source of information, quite a 
reference actually, at least on topics not covered by the spec. 
(implementations, non-standard but widely used functions, tricks...).

I was sorry to see it in this state, I think such behavior should be 
punished even more severely than spam (since it is not only annoying, 
but it defaces the works of others).

I have no good link to provide on secure Wiki, just some ideas. Of 
course, requiring to register can eliminate some robots, and perhaps 
using CAPTCHA to eliminate all of them.

See for example the WordPress plugins created to fight spam in this 
blog: Comment Plugins / Spam Fighting

Note: with some work, one can adapt Captcha to SVG: make a SVG font, use 
it with non-standard Unicode characters (randomly chosen at generation 
time) and ask the user what is displayed in the SVG.
Thus, only users with a SVG wiever can contribute :-)

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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Received on Saturday, 26 March 2005 08:53:34 UTC