Re: sXBL issue -- bindings getting notified when the bound element is inserted into a document

At 10:58 AM 3/23/2005 -0800, L. David Baron wrote:
>On Wednesday 2005-03-23 12:30 -0600, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> > The thing is, in any sort of reasonable system you can't have objects
> > randomly changing which interfaces they implement...  The issue of binding
> > attachment through styling has been a major weak point of Mozilla XBL all
> > along, and causes so many problems that we are strongly considering moving
> > to a different, not style-related, binding mechanism altogether.
>I'd slightly restate that.  We want a new binding attachment mechanism
>for many of our use cases of XBL, but there are still many other use
>cases for attaching bindings from stylesheets (especially when the
>binding is purely presentational).  And in those cases, some of the
>features of XBL (like implementing interfaces) probably won't be used.

Thank you, that helps.


>L. David Baron                                <URL: >
>           Technical Lead, Layout & CSS, The Mozilla Foundation

Received on Wednesday, 23 March 2005 20:22:19 UTC