[SVG12] Scripting engines in externally referenced documents

Section 17.1 explains the difference between a primary document and a
resource document:

  The only difference between a resource document and a primary document
  is that the primary document is rendered directly to the canvas,
  whereas all resource documents are conceptually rendered to an
  invisible (offscreen) canvas.

I just want to check a few things:

1. Each document has its own scripting context, right?  Is there any way
   for script in one document to access anything from another document's
   scripting context?

2. Does script running in these different contexts run in a single
   thread, or does each resource document have its own thread for
   running script?

3. Can script in a resource document call functions that interact with
   the user agent, such as window.alert?



  e-mail : cam (at) mcc.id.au    	icq : 26955922
     web : http://mcc.id.au/	        msn : cam-msn (at) aka.mcc.id.au
  office : +61399055779		     jabber : heycam (at) jabber.org

Received on Thursday, 7 July 2005 05:29:06 UTC