Re: [office] [Fwd: clarification: OpenDocument and SVG]

Michael Brauer wrote:
> Jon,
> Jon Phillips wrote:
>> wrote:
>>>Quoting Bjoern Hoehrmann <>:
>>>>Note that www-svg is a public mailing list for SVG discussions, people
>>>>on the list do not necessarily represent the SVG WG.
>>>Yes -- I do want to emphasise that I'm not attached to the SVG WG, but wrote the
>>>message as SVG implementor from whom OpenDocument support is being requested.
>>>I would also like to emphasise that I don't think there was any intentional
>>>attempt to pollute the SVG namespace.  My sense of urgency came from learning
>>>that OpenDocument had already been put before the EU TAC.
>>>Bjoern has done a much better job of articulating my specific technical
>>I am in line with what mental is saying and appreciate both him and Bjoern for 
>>being more articulate in the matter than myself. Michael, hopefully if we keep 
>>communication channels open we might resolve this situation so that it is 
>>beneficial to both the OpenDocument and SVG specs.
> I believe that we will be able to resolve this issue in a way that is
> beneficial to both the OpenDocument and SVG specs and agree that we
> should keep the communication channels open. Who in the SVG group could
> be the primary contact for the OpenDocument TC? Is it you?
> I'd also like to thank Mental for bringing this topic to the attention
> of our two working groups.

Hi Michael, as Chris pointed out, I am not on the SVG WG. I am a developer on 
Inkscape ( and Open Clip Art Library ( and 
rely on SVG's standardization and success. Chris is your contact. Mental and I 
just brought this up for you both to sort this point I guess we can 
leave the stage for you guys to sort these issues out. Thanks!


Jon Phillips

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Received on Friday, 4 February 2005 08:45:09 UTC