Re: SVG examples and test suite

Fred P. wrote:
> Would it be possible to:
> - Generate an XML Schema from the RNG specs

That will be done. Being a W3C WG has many advantages, unfortunately 
having to support XML Schema is not one of them.

> - Generate a DTD from the RNG specs

I doubt that. And even if it were possible, DTDs are totally useless for 
SVG (or any other XML language apart from the really stupid ones from 
'98 that don't have a namespace) so I fail to see what one would do with 
a DTD apart from use it to cure advanced severe insomnia.

> So, a bunch of examples EXPLICITELY using every possible attributes 
> would be nice.

Using every single attribute in an example of the spec would be a huge 
amount of work. This is best handled by third parties publishing 
articles and books.

> - To create a 'fake' test suite like SVG 1.1, such that people like myself,
> who are more 'visual' than 'textual' can fully understand what is possible
> and what is not possible from the current specs !?

Creating a 'real' test suite is already so much work that it is hard to 
find enough people in the WG to do a good one. A 'fake' one would 
definitely have to be done elsewhere.

Robin Berjon
   Research Scientist

Received on Tuesday, 1 February 2005 20:21:32 UTC