Re: XBL in document fragments

"Erik Arvidsson" <> wrote in message
> Boris Zbarsky wrote:
>> In that case the UA will seem hung to the user until the load completes 
>> (possibly quite a long time).  That's not really desirable.
>>> If the binding document is already loaded then this should be an issue
>> You mean "should not be"?  What if it's not already loaded?
> Then I guess blocking is the only option.

That is not an option!

> I know it is not easy to implement this but think of it from a 
> developer/api perspective where XBL is used to create (user interface) 
> components. Do we want the state to be indeterminable and dependent on 
> timing issues?

Yes, there's nothing wrong with this, so long as there's an event available 
for when the binding is complete.

> and this is only where one component is used. Modify this to use tons of 
> different components which all have load time dependencies and it becomes 
> a total mess to maintain.

The examples were simple to me, UI freezing is never acceptable, users 
reject it absolutely, it doesn't matter that it might make things a little 
harder, it is simply inapropriate to do it, event driven programming is 
simple, there's minimal more complexity and all other UI programming on the 
web is event driven so the techniques are well understood.

> Compared to this I think it is preferred to have an increased loading time 
> of the initial document.

but that's not the option (and I wouldn't have it acceptable if it was in 
anycase, but I'm less dogmatic) the problem is the frozen UI whilst the 
javascript is waiting for the resources to load, and that is utterly 


Received on Wednesday, 29 September 2004 12:52:36 UTC