SVG 1.2 Comment: 5 Multiple pages

Hi WG.

First of all, well done on finally getting this out!

In section 5, "Multiple pages", is it impossible to create a document
that can skip, based on SMIL events, to a page that doesn't immediately
follow the current one?  Say I (for lack of a better example that
doesn't use clicks) wanted to have a table of contents where
mouseovering some text will jump to another page.

  <svg xmlns="" version="1.2">
      <page id="p1" end="link2.mouseover">
        <text id="link2" y="100">Jump to page 2</text>
        <text id="link3" y="200">Jump to page 3</text>
      <page id="p2"/>
      <page id="p3"/>

I can make page 1 end upon link2's mouseover to cause the viewer advance
to page 2, but how could I jump from page 1 to page 3?  Since I notice that
SMIL 2.0 says that you can't use a begin for a seq child (and therefore
a page) that is something other than a non-negative number, is my only
option to have a mouseover event handler and then call p3.beginElement()
from script?


  - In 5.0, the second example uses "orientation" rather than

  - In 5.6, the example uses "pageSeq" rather than "pageSet".

More comments as I continue reading!


Cameron McCormack
|  Web:
|  ICQ: 26955922

Received on Thursday, 28 October 2004 01:34:39 UTC