Re: CSS style sheets in SVG

Putting on my author hat for a moment, I've found CSS in SVG to be very
useful in at least respect:  applying consistent colors/widths to various
elements throughout the document.

Real example:  when I do comic page layouts, I generally want all the
panel borders to have the same color, on a page-by-page basis.  Usually
finding the right color requires a bit of experimentation.

As far as I can tell, I have two choices:  give the panel border objects a
CSS class, tweaking the stroke paint for that class in an author
stylesheet, or I can manually go through and change the color on every
panel border individually.

The latter is excrutiatingly painful if I have a lot of panels.  Are there
any less painful approaches which wouldn't involve CSS?


Received on Monday, 29 November 2004 16:36:47 UTC